1 Review liked by micom

Absolutely mindblowing.
This game has one of the most complex narratives I've seen in a videogame, and by the end, it successfully manages to answer every single question you have, and this is what I call good writing.

The way the story is structured is very fascinating, having to replay the same sections but slowly gathering more information and creating new branching paths is such a clever idea to tell a story, and it never gets boring. Also the way the overarching story is connected via the character stories is incredible, some character arcs conclude inside other characters' arcs, and they make perfect sense.
Reading the mystery files also gives a ton of information about what is currently happening in the game, and it's very helpful.

Sadly the game has only one specific flaw, which is honestly quite major, and it's the gameplay. The Destruction mode itself is a decent idea, having combat in between keeps it fresh considering how the vast majority of the game consists of pure dialogue, however, the combat itself is very shallow and mediocre, even though it can be fun sometimes, there are barely any interesting mechanics, and it's frustratingly repetitive. It only gets worse when you are forced to progress the Destruction mode so you can progress the story because it hurts the pacing.

Personally I didn't expect to love this game that much, it's a very unique experience, the plot hooks you from the beginning and slowly unravels in a way I've never seen before, the overall story is just phenomenal, and the characters are very well written.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.