Off to the distance, in a cliff in Blighttown with a drop leading to certain death, a corpse rests. You approach it and pick up an item from it: "Soul of a Brave Hero"

This is how Dark Souls communicates that you are to persevere through its challenge and conquer its world by your might alone. The game is filled with moments and allusions to giving up. It by no means shames those who have given up, it honors them and uses their bravery to push you forward and help you reach your goal. This game is about persevering through pain and overcoming a challenge. It is also valid to say this game alludes to depression and suicide, with going hollow representing one giving up and losing the fight.

This game helped me cope with depression, at a time in which I had no one but myself to push through sadness, grief and guilt, I escaped to Lordran in a vague quest to ring the Bell of Awakening. Discovering the deeply connected world of Lordran and overcoming impossible odds gave me a sense of purpose in life. It helped me realize that my victories were mine alone and that by pure hope, bravery and patience I could triumph. Riding that elevator in Undead Parish to discover it leading into Firelink Shrine is one of the moments I will never forget.

With all the sentimental, thematic things aside, this game is a technical masterpiece. It has mechanics so deeply connected and complementary to one another it feels seamless everytime you play. The amount of choices a player has over their journey is what every role-playing game should aspire to. The world is beautiful, with hands down some of the greatest level design of all time. The lack of music throughout most of the game, with only the sound of your armor crashing against the floor before you encounter a boss and it erupts into an epic battle theme. The combat is fluid, dependant entirely on skill and can be enjoyed by everyone.

It's hard to say what Dark Souls' greatest achievement is, when almost everything in the game is refined to perfection. It would be more fitting for me to say Dark Souls as a whole is an achievement in itself. This is a game everyone can pick up, enjoy and master. This is a game which anyone can find purpose in and venture into a world that, just like real life, is scary and full of challenges, but you must unlock that potential within yourself to prevail. Even though sometimes it may be hard as nails, what matters is you try again... and again until you finally triumph, and when you do there's a chance you'll agree when I say Dark Souls is the greatest videogame of all time.

Don't go hollow... Praise the Sun!

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2021

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2 years ago
