I ended up enjoying this game a lot more than I expected. At first the controls seemed a little clunky and some of the enemy's AI (especially Jack's in the garage and Marguerite during the videotape sequence) felt dumb and easily cheese-able, which broke the immersion, but after the first hour or two I started to get really hooked. The progression through the game feels very nice. It never feels like you're in the same place for too long. This game also has some of the scariest moments out of all the Resident Evil games I've played. Every main villain was interesting and complimented the overall atmosphere very well. I was most surprised by the final act of the game and how it developed the narrative 10 times further. It's probably an 8/10 objectively, but my increased enjoyment bumped it up to a 9. I heard the dlc is cool but I'm waiting for the next steam sale to play them.

Reviewed on Sep 08, 2023
