This is the good Sonic game. All the Juice went to this one. Sonic 1 and 2 Feel like beta tests for Sonic the Hedgehog 3, and also Knuckles.

There's so many weird mechanics in this it almost feels like a Kirby (& Knuckles) game. That's the highest compliment I could possibly give a 2d platformer.

I have yet to discover why so many... special people... are into this franchise. So far they are just decent platformers with very good 16 byte arcade graphics that nintencan't. I don't know when the inflation diaper crowd came in. I tremble in both anticipation, fear & Knuckles to find out.

Reviewed on May 16, 2024


30 days ago

I'm pretty sure the comics and other non-game media had a hand with that crowd, but also Rouge the Bat

30 days ago

It could be. I'm also theorizing that Sonic lost the culture war so bad to Mario that it became counter-culture by default.

A third theory is that Mario fans are just as bad, but it's just socially acceptable to be a Mariohead and insane. So we are blind to the mpreg Mario fandom.

27 days ago

Once you get to Adventure 2 you’ll understand; the story is really fun but like, that’s Patient Zero for Sonic’s modern identity

27 days ago

Also Mario games have been almost universally acclaimed across the board which probably helps keep people in line, while SEGA rushes Sonic games out too quickly which became a worse problem as games were demanded to be longer. And the divide between fans and critics left people far more adversarial.

It’s why the new Mario Movie was fully in that world from the games, whereas the first REAL Sonic movie was a traditional fish out of water cartoon character in the real world thing. But yeah I think Sally Acorn in the SatAM cartoon might’ve done something too.

27 days ago

@mikli sonic was trying to be the counter culture from day 1 - in the states anyway. adventure was the first instance where the japanese and american takes on the series were conflated into one and it all just stayed that way afterward

27 days ago

as for why sonic appeals so widely: blue is a calming color and animals are easy to empathize with. that's the most baseline explanation someone could give
ima firin' mah lazarrr!!!