Kena is a visually enchanting game with many commendable aspects, but it does have some notable shortcomings.

The story, although emotionally charged, can at times feel overly formulaic and predictable. It occasionally relies on clichés, making certain plot points seem both boring and trivial. While it has moments of genuine emotional depth, it doesn't consistently maintain that level of engagement throughout the entire journey.

On the combat front, Kena's abilities and spirit companions do offer a satisfying core experience. However, the combat system's diversity is lacking. The encounters tend to feel repetitive, as there aren't enough distinct enemy types or combat mechanics to keep things fresh and exciting. This can lead to some monotony in gameplay, particularly during extended sessions.

Boss fights, unfortunately, suffer from strange mechanics that can make them feel needlessly challenging. Rather than presenting a fair and enjoyable challenge, some of these encounters seem designed to artificially inflate the difficulty level, leading to moments of frustration instead of satisfaction.

Kena is a visually striking and emotionally resonant game with some gameplay issues. While the story has its moments, it occasionally falls into clichés, and the combat, while enjoyable initially, lacks diversity. The boss fights could benefit from more balanced mechanics. Despite these shortcomings, it still offers a beautiful world to explore and moments of genuine emotional connection, making it worth considering for fans of the genre.

Reviewed on Oct 04, 2023
