They're not beating the FF14 allegations with this DLC

I just want to say this is one of my favourite fights, easily top 3 next to Bahamut & Titan. From the music to the overall chaos of this fight im glad I played it on 'Final Fantasy' Difficulty.

For me being a raider on FF14, experiencing both the omega raid & the omega ultimate. This was the icing on the cake for omega overall and how CB3 handles this monster. I thoroughly enjoyed it and found it to be a great DLC for just £8, some may say others but for the 3 hours playing through the door bosses coming up to Omega itself it was a wonderful amount of fun.

For those expecting any extra amounts of new story elements there is not much to see in this expansion. They advertised it to be the shorter half out of the two, 'Rising tide' will be the expected longer expansion, This very much is an expansion to bring you back to the game and remind you about the great people who were behind this game and how well they construct fights.

Soken thank you for your work on the music.

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2023
