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i'm gonna be writing something different here. every review you will see on here is "awwwww this games so addicting and bad awwwww don't play it" WELL I'M NOT GONNA DO THAT. i have something better on my mind: instead, here's a review on the greatest survivor perk in the game, FLIP FLOP.

flip flop is a teachable perk belong to ash williams, which you can spend about $5 to get. what it does is convert your recovery progress when you're down to wiggle progress when you're picked up, up to a maximum of 50% wiggle process. many people will just say "it's just a bad, niche perk that only works well with power struggle and it's garbage!" WELL THEY'RE ALL WRONG.

let me paint a scenario. you just got downed, you start recovering. a teammate is there to try to flashlight save, but they fail and just draw attention to the killer instead, so you get time to recover while they chase away your teammate. you get up to 25, 35, 45, 65, 75... and then you get picked up. at this point, you've got 37.5% wiggle already. the hooks are a fair distance away, so you wiggle and wiggle to try to get out. a teammate running mettle of man and breakout runs over, takes a hit, and gets you just the time you need to be free. you run away with the fully charged sprint burst you have, and heal yourself with that medkit you were packing. saved, because of one perk.

this isn't even all the use cases. what if you have boil over? what if you have unbreakable? what if you have tenacity? what if you have soul guard? there are so many factors to it but it will save you in those moments and can lead to some game changing moments. who the fuck needs DS. who the fuck needs OTR. flip flop is all you need. 5 stars isn't for the game, it's for the perk. 5/5.