there isn't much to say that hasn't already been said about this game.
I went into it expecting it to be a mediocre experience but i was surprised by how interesting the characters and worldbuilding are.
the main cast is charming and are all full of backstory to give them life, every part of the world has some interesting dialogue to give every NPC some variety, the overall plot had me hooked for the majority of the time, and sephiroth is such a goated villain, easily one of the best in an rpg.
the gameplay's alright though. not sure how it compares to other ATB games but i did enjoy the fast pace of the system, i'm just not a fan of the game being batshit easy until one random boss that has a crazy difficulty spike, especially that final boss, which took me at least 2 hours to beat. super nova is such a cool watch the first few times but they should have implemented a skip for that move alone.
other than that, i definitely understand why everyone loves this one now, its awesome

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2023


Big W mog

6 months ago

who paid you to spread these lies

6 months ago

don't listen to him he's on perc 90 😇 have a wonderful day reyn