Engaging and exciting multiplayer as always, coupled with a brief but incredibly enjoyable campaign.

So easy to lose track of time within the strategic fun of Medieval II: Total War.

Occasionally frustrating with incessant load times, a problematic terrain system and a lack of options with architecture, RCT3 and its expansions still allow for seemingly boundless creativity.

A game I've played through multiple times and cannot get enough of, along with one of the few I've beaten on the highest difficulty. I attempted to play it on PS2 and it is immensely frustrating and flat out horrendous there, but couldn't get enough of it on PC.

Frustratingly challenging at times, with it being flatout unfair to the gamer with limited ammo and enemies spawning and attacking you from behind in linear missions. The game can be extremely fun when not dealing with these frustrating elements.

Mostly played on PC along with a couple times on PS2 and GC, but absolutely tremendous sports game. It looks great, plays great and offers an immensely satisfying dynasty mode.

Another fantastic entry in a tremendous series with such incredibly realized worlds and great storytelling. Absolutely adore the Bioshock games.

So much fun on Wii, kinda not good on the DS

Insanely fun with an immense amount of content and one of the most memorable villians around, Borderlands 2 is a blast of a game. That being said, once I finish the DLC for the game, I'm gonna take a loooooooooooooooooong Borderlands break cause there's only so much Borderlands I can take at one time.

Some frustrating side missions at times, but a very creative and amusing DLC that works perfectly into the Borderlands world

Masterful creation that breathes new life into one of the most addictive games ever.

I decided not to play the multiplayer based on how pathetic I was at just playing the story mode on the easiest difficulty. That being said, the gameplay is pretty fun and the missions offer a nice variety of different things to do, despite a bit of repetition.

The most awkward thing about the game was the interactions with the NPCs, mainly the other characters in the squadron. Just watching their somewhat clunky and repetitive movements and the bland nature of their one-sided conversation with you always felt odd, especially when the actual flying was so smooth.

The game succeeds where it needed to the most, offering an incredibly immersive flying experience and an interesting enough story to make for a fun ride in the world of Star Wars.

An amusing crossover that brings more fun levels and a bit more charm to the already fantastic Peggle. Fantastic crossover by Valve and PopCap.

While my progress sadly vanished on Steam, I had a great experience with a frustratingly addictive puzzle game with a fun adventure mode and a tremendous set of challenges of varying difficuly. The gameplay along with the colorful and pleasant look of the game make it so worthwhile.

A nice, challenging add-on bringing the characters from Infinite into the wonderful world of Rapture from the first 2 games.