Very generic linear story-driven TPS with a bad story and a stupid voice gimmick.

It keeps pestering you with dialogue options that don't matter. You can reply to most questions with "Damn", "God Damn" or "Shit", which I don't even know what these responses are supposed to mean in yes-or-no questions, but it's pretty funny. I wish the protagonist was voiced though.

Every character is unlikeable or cliched. You can give out tactical commands, but they don't matter because the game is so linear and simple. You're basically just blasting through tunnels of enemies with occasional cutscenes, scripted sequences and boss fights (which are atrocious). The art design is very plain, the music is forgettable. There's a tacked-on upgrade system which is needlessly complicated (who wants to play tetris when choosing upgrades?), so I simply ignored it.

The AI companions are so stupid and annoying, they constantly get in your line of fire or push you out of your cover, or die and need rescuing. On this one boss fight, one of them died and the other one was like "do you wanna help him?" and I was like "No", and she was like "well, I can't!", only to change her opinion a few seconds later, when I already exposed myself to try and save that idiot, and go "do you want me to help him?", and I was like "yeah!", and she was like "ugh, alright". As a result we all got murdered. Brilliant.

Reviewed on Apr 18, 2024
