I'm gonna keep this short because the core gameplay mechanics are almost exactly the same as the first game. The only two major differences are the regenerating health and the inability to jump.

The main difference, however, is that Heroes 2 ditches the sandboxy approach of its predecessor for a completely linear level design. Like literally there's always only one path forward, plus you can't jump over small objects or out the windows, which makes the game feel like a one long corridor. The extra tasks are now more like secrets that you accidentally discover, instead of being shown prominently on the radar.

I found this entry a pretty generic, boring, although really well executed CoD-clone. In fact, on PSP this is still one of the best shooters and leagues better than CoD: Roads to Victory. But I'd really only recommend this game to PSP owners, since there was little to no competition in the FPS genre there. Outside of the boundaries of its platform, this game is absolutely unremarkable.

P. S. Forgot to mention, the graphics are worse than the first game too. They're still alright by PSP standards, but the first game looked gorgeous, while this one features blurry textures and drab colors.

Reviewed on Dec 19, 2022
