My Steam review from Feb 6, 2022

First I wanna address the elephant in the room. This game is racist. It presents Moscow as this mono-ethnically Russian city. In reality there are significant populations of Caucasian and Central Asian ethnic minorities living in Moscow, let alone smaller communities of other ethnicities. To give perspective to the foreigners, this is the equivalent of setting a game in Los Angeles or New York and having only white characters.

Now to the actual game. I feel like, I can't really comment upon the gameplay much because there isn't much to comment upon. It is pretty generic. I played for an hour, and most of that time was spent walking around claustrophobic hub areas with confusing level-design and talking to people. There was also one turret section and one actual gunfight, which was alright I guess, but kinda boring. I really didn't find anything about the gameplay that wasn't done better in other games. It was a little frustrating though that the enemies can shoot you with incredible accuracy in complete darkness with no flashlights on.

Speaking of darkness, this is probably the darkest game I've ever played. I cranked up the gamma to the max and still wasn't able to see anything that isn't right next to a direct source of light or in the range of my flashlight (which is pretty small). People tend to call Doom 3 too dark, but this one really takes the cake. At least in Doom 3 the flashlight has a wider range and the level design is more intuitive and better lit.

The real meat of this game, as I understand it, is supposed to be the story. Because that's seemingly what the game is shoving in your face the entire time. I quickly realized the writing was cringy and generic, and the voice-acting is terrible, so I stopped paying attention. But unfortunately, the game wouldn't let me skip those scripted scenes where you're being told something while you can't move. You also can't skip the completely unnecessary hub areas, which are linear af and serve no actual purpose. Worth pointing out that I played the Russian version, so the writing in the English version may not be this obnoxious, but it must still be pretty basic in its essence, unless they heavily altered it. The Russian version feels like it's written by young people who are trying to imitate the way the older generations spoke, while also imitating the Hollywood style of writing. It's just painful to listen to. And when I say writing, I mean not just the main story, but also all the NPCs you encounter in-game. They feel inauthentic, so they fail to create a sense that you're bring surrounded by real people.

And, from what I can understand, barring the story and the world-building, this game really doesn't have much going for it. The one hour I spent on it felt like a drag. I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna waste any more time on it.

The one thing I liked about the game though, was the graphics. That being said, for 2010 it's not the prettiest looking game, yet it's very demanding. I was getting between 25 and 50 FPS on my computer. Meanwhile the aforementioned Doom 3, which came out 6 years earlier, looks better and runs perfectly. For a more contemporary comparison, Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition, a 2014 remaster of a gorgeous open-world game from 2012 runs better on my computer than this. The fact that 90% of this game is covered in darkness, doesn't do it any favors either.

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2023


1 year ago

booohooo i didn't use the manual charger or nightvision googles because of that game's too dark 😭😭😭
why isn't there enough racial representation in a post-apocalyptic world where less than 50k people are alive 😭😭😭


1 year ago

Wow, I better hold my horses. Last time I saw Turks so butthurt, it ended up with the Smyrna massacre. Oh no, wait, it was actually the Armenian genocide. Sorry, you guys have committed so many atrocities, I get confused sometimes.

Oh, so the game has nightvision, great, then I'll play the entire game in green, why the hell do we need colors? Might as well play it on the Virtual Boy.
And of course, if there are 50k people left, they all HAVE to be Russian. Makes perfect sense.

Look, I'm not stopping you from liking your shitty game. When Greeks make a game about Constantinople devoid of Turks, you're free to enjoy that too. Why come insulting me on my review?

But let's be real here for a moment. You're just lucky the Soviets liked you and gave you Armenia during WWI, instead of steamrolling through entire Anatolia. Otherwise you'd be the one writing this review. You know, I'd expect more understanding from a Turk, seeing how we've pretty much fought all your northern wars for you. But why am I surprised? After all, your comment has already exposed your ignorance.

Go play your weeb dating sims, and leave the subject matter you don't understand to people who actually have direct knowledge of it and experience with it, okay?

1 year ago

lmaoooo this gotta be a troll, youre pointing out racism in this game and then proceed to write a whole essay against someone who calls you out filled with pointing out their ethnicity

1 year ago

I don't get this dumb new trend of calling someone a troll when you clearly understand they're not. If I had as little personality as you, perhaps I'd call you a troll too. After all, you're the one insulting me, like that guy did before, because both of you are apparently butthurt that I pointed out the sad truth behind your favorite game. But if you had any shred of intelligence, you'd actually see how his comment would be racist by proxy, since he is attacking me for attacking a racist game. And I see how you wanted to accuse me of racism too, but you couldn't find any evidence of it in my reply, so you just said "pointing out their ethnicity". Well done, except there's nothing wrong with pointing out someone's ethnicity. Especially considering how everything I said in my comment is a historical fact.

1 year ago

hahahhahahaha youre funny man, i didnt even play this btw don't know why you would assume its my favourite game

1 year ago

Oh, well, I just assumed there was a rational reason for you to come here and attack a complete stranger for his opinion. But apparently you're just an obnoxious asshole who acts with no rhyme or reason.

1 year ago

I commented because I was amused by the fact that you are malding crazy over this game but you can't give any proper arguments, you just mention random history towards the other commenter or try to insult me but at the same time accuse me of insulting you?

Anyways, I didn't mean to offend you and if you're serious, so be it to each their own have a nice day

1 year ago

I gave plenty of proper arguments. The fact you don't see them just confirms your lack of reading comprehension.

>try to insult me but at the same time accuse me of insulting you

Excuse me, did I comment on your review or did you comment on mine? Did you or did you not laugh at me, call me a troll and try to dogwhistle-accuse me of racism? Is that the kind of comment you expect to get a respectful and polite reply to? Are you out of your mind? I don't know in what world you live where that kind of comment wouldn't be considered as offensive and wouldn't provoke a reaction. Frankly, where I come from, if you acted this way irl towards anyone, they'd break your face right then and there. So fuck you, you self-righteous prick. Next time watch your mouth or mind your goddamn business.

1 year ago

Thanks for bringing up the racism, honestly the last time I played this game I was pretty young so of course I didn't even think anything of it at the time. Anyways, yeah that's a completely valid point to make! What's funny to me is that a couple of days ago I wrote down my thoughts on the newest Metro. Funnily enough it's just as generic as you describe 2033 but in a different way. I guess what I could say about the darkness is that you're supposed to you it in your advantage during the stealth segments but honestly we all know this game isn't close to Chaos Theory or Hitman so it's fine lol.

1 year ago

It's cool, most people know little to nothing about this part of the world, so I don't blame anyone for not noticing the racism. I honestly wouldn't even rate the game so low, if it wasn't for this one problem. I don't know much about the newer games, so I can't comment on that, but I imagine this series is probably similar to STALKER, which I remember not enjoying much either, though tbf I last played it in the late 00s.