too many combat gauntlets
not as visually creative as the first one
a bit too easy for my skill level

everything else in the game whips ass

as a fresh brand new never played pikmin before player, the intro to this was like pulling teeth and nearly made me stop playing bc of how they barely let you take a step forward without a cutscene or dialogue
the moment you get out of that it becomes deeply addicting. was pretty easy overall but I'm considering this a training course for making my way through the older games. i luv oatchi and moss ^_^

the best game to play at 3am when you need to wake up at 5am to check out of a hotel. mindless in a way that massages the brain and is great for people who love to unlock shit and see numbers go up. all the references to other games are very loving and cute <3

the most fun game in da worl if you like pressing L1 :) and boy do I!

my personal favourite narrative in a fromsoft game. isshin more like kissin!!!!!!!!!