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Look - I'm not trying to be a hater, but Café Enchanté really did not land for me. Honestly, I didn't even mind the tonal bait-and-switch from slice-of-life fluff to deep angst - I'm an angst-enjoyer. However, Café Enchanté just felt like it was trying to do TOO much. Don't get me wrong - parts of Café Enchanté are VERY enjoyable, but as a whole? I found it disastrous.

Things I Liked:
- The LIs and their routes were, for the most part, adequately enjoyable (taken into consideration as separate parts from the whole game)
- The relationships and banter between the characters were all very endearing
- The art and music are simply beautiful

Things I Didn't Like:
- The common route was a S L O G (and this is coming from someone who LOVES Code: Realize)
- After the common route, nothing feels connected
- Yes, I understood that there are certain story reasons for having each route isolated to its own "world," but without any other sort of central plot to form a connective tissue between routes, the game felt very disjointed (for me)
- The routes also began to feel very formulaic/repetitive after a point
- The final route's "good" ending is ABYSMAL
- Seriously, the so-called "good" ending left such a bad taste in my mouth that I wish I could get my money back

Overall, I found Piofiore to be decently enjoyable. Like Code: Realize and Collar x Malice, it's very plot-heavy at the expense of romance, but it's not entirely without some heart-fluttering and steamy scenes. Sadly, none of the LIs really captured my heart, but the routes were still fun to read for the most part. That said, the finale was kind of a mess, and the "core" plot never explored some of the things I hoped it would. Also, the food descriptions always made me hungry.

Things I Liked:
- A+ voice acting from some familiar names.
- Gorgeous art and MC.
- The M rating is definitely earned; some themes and endings are very dark.
- Despite being a naive, sheltered church girl, Liliana was a solid MC who knows how to play to her strengths.

Things I Didn't Like:
- The LIs. I can excuse organized crime, but I draw the line at Catholicism (jk jk jk. kinda.)
- The behavior of some LIs in other routes was frustrating and downright baffling to me.
- Oliver doesn't have a route of his own.

Cupid Parasite was INCREDIBLY fun. The characters and LIs work so well as an ensemble cast; their dynamics and interactions are just so entertaining and often chaotic. Lynette is a great MC, and it never felt like her personality changed drastically from route to route. There are plenty of emotional moments (and some melodrama), but I found myself laughing so often because the characters and situations are so funny a lot of the time. Overall, it was a very enjoyable and light-hearted romcom-kinda story.

Things I Liked:
- Absolutely wonderful MC in Lynette.
- Beautiful, colorful, unique art.
- Great voice acting from a talented cast.
- Fairly short common route; doesn't take too long to set things up.

Things I Didn't Like:
- Gill's route. He's fine in other routes, but he's just NOT my cup of tea. At all.
- Translation/localization is stellar throughout 99% of the game, but there was a section of Raul's route that felt like it slipped through the editing cracks. It was suuuper distracting.