I haven't even FINISHED this yet and I already need to comment on how good it is - it's fucking insane how quickly you learn to parse all the insane shit going on in these levels and reach that state of intentionality + flow, for me stage 5's combat gauntlet became a kind of "holy shit i get it" moment where everything just CLICKED

hoping the last few levels aren't too much of a wall bc i want to get into treasure's catalog so bad, I started this and alien soldier on the same day and both have me v excited to dive in more

update: the last few levels were - in fact - quite the wall LMAO, I've finished harder stuff so this isn't going on shelved just yet but god it's hard to find the motivation to get good enough at the final stage to complete all those consecutive bosses, especially when green is kicking my ass so hard

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2021


2 years ago

ahhh alien soldier rules! definitely has more of a single player approach to design than gunstar, that's more to my taste but i know some people heavily value the co-op element of gunstar. both are great introductions to treasure games imo

2 years ago

yeah omg I really loved what I played of alien soldier, I was missing the more in-depth character control when I started up gunstar even though I had hardly got to grips with it LMAO, it's all really well-tuned & I get the feeling it's what I'll end up preferring over the co-op stuff if I get into it

2 years ago

I wish you a pleasant journey through Treasure. I kind of obsessively went through a large portion of their catalog last year and it really helped me through things, honestly. Top tier games throughout. Gunstar Heroes is a great entry point and I think you'll see a ton of throughlines starting right here!

2 years ago

thanks a lot! after finishing alien soldier I'm definitely going to continue, these guys rule so hard, top tier indeed
Average G̶u̶n̶s̶t̶a̶r̶ ̶H̶e̶r̶o̶e̶s Treasure fan: This game is so heckin' cool man!! I'm just mashing buttons on the lowest difficulty and I feel like a total badass even though the game is basically playing itself!!

1 year ago

dude how does it feel to be annoying as hell

1 year ago

i really like gunstar heroes but i think alien soldier is kind of the perfect game in regards to what treasure does best. both rule though, glad you liked it!!