Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

25 days

Last played

June 22, 2024

First played

January 13, 2024

Platforms Played


this is the only game i can think of where you'll be playing a 4v5 for the majority of a match after someone disconnected during set-up but the rounds where you actually get timely backfill are the ones where someone left 30 seconds before the "defeat" screen plays

this game is just pretty designs with a story that desperately wants to exist but literally cannot after almost 10 years of built-up loose ends. how old is mercy supposed to be for example? why is kiriko roughly 20 years younger than the shimada brothers despite them having been raised together?

i will say though it is really, really fun. every single character is a completely different way of playing the game and you can easily sink thousands of hours into it before getting bored if you're willing to rotate your main

no comment on OW1 vs OW2 because i only got into it after it became free due to me being a cheapskate