this is a cute little rpg with a very impressionable opening, but as the game progresses it kind of loses its plot and starts turning into wandering around the map looking for an objective. i got to the point in the game where you have to beat the monsters flooding the town and it really isnt holding my interest very well. i had cheats on to disable random enemies, so maybe one day ill just make everyone level 100 to see the rest of the story but i'd rather play other things right now.... its still a good game though !

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2023


It's such a shame that so many incredible RPG's have aged relatively poorly gameplay wise, tho at least Golden Sun never lost its charm. Great review and I completely agree!

1 year ago

Yeah I'm really sad about it too, the aimless wandering + grinding + random encounters is a surefire combination to make me instantly frustrated /: these poor gba games need remasters so bad. Thank you !!