Eternal Glory

DOOM Eternal is just so freaking good! I adore it. No doubt my all-time favourite game ever.
The pacing is absolutely relentless, full-throttle aggression with non-stop action, it makes it feel like your blood has been replaced by urine.
I love it so much more than DOOM 4, and for that sake literally any other game ever.

Hatred swell with rage unquelled

In these gorgeous arenas you'll go through a gauntlet of thousands of demons.
It's like a horde of sinful meat that just comes after you. Starting off from the most pathetic & pitiful demons... transitioning into these gigantic monstrous beasts ready to slay. Where you'll grit your teeth and fail multiple times to kill, only until you finally triumph and get that incredible overcoming glory! You'll truly feel rip roaring like you're Mick Gordon on a 9-string!
But all the while you're getting your ass pounded & sodomized, it just doesn't hurt. It feels great because the maps are so well designed & refined; alongside the demons, weapons, movement & combat... all to just compliment the game-play, that it just always is fun to get in there -- yes even if you are getting your sh!t pushed back in aggressively.
And you will eventually get better to overcome & push through; regardless of your skill-level or difficulty, because you'll want to. Because it's such great fun.
But as you're going through heaven & hell, and worlds of purgatory; you burn with your unholy holy ascension. You cleanse the demons about as you're hell-raising, and full of sexiness. So sexy that it hurts...
You're their doom bringer, death ringer, and cataclysmic gunslinger.
Everything just comes together so smoothly, in such a nice of slick way. FPS games have never been crispier, and never as stoked.

However, while I just downright adore the general demon encounters; with hordes of demons in all these smart & uncomfortable ways to make you play smart yourself... I'm no super-fan of the humongous bosses.
I feel the game-design is clearly tended for combat mainly focused towards multiple enemies at once, so when they suddenly push in these huge bosses it feels weird so awkward to fight. I loved the Marauder, Gladiator & Maligog bosses; yet I wish the two latter ones somehow got down-scaled & simplified to fit the combat-loop as a "normal" enemy alike the Marauder.
Still, that is a hefty nitpick & only something noticed on like my 4th playthrough.

That headbanging music

From instant you play the main-campaign; you're greeted with the incredible soundtrack from Mick Gordon; you know you're in for a nutty high-octane thrill ride.
I just cannot compliment the soundtrack enough. Mick Gordon hecking annihilated this game with his musical skills -- the main-campaign just wouldn't be the same without Mick Gordon. The soundtrack just absolutely slaps.
The music is just a straight-up banger, real bonerjams, absolute bops all through-out.
My favourite from the main-campaign being "Meathook." Such sweet perfection.
A true love-letter to the entire music industry, with its Argent Metal style... UGH! It's just so freaking good, one just cannot compliment it rightfully enough. It might just be one of my all-time favourite soundtracks to a game ever, if not the best one! It's really up there.

Graphics & visuals

DOOM Eternal is such a beautiful game as well. Every area looks cool, you'll remember each mission distinctively by their unique styles & quirks. Every time I entered a new mission for my first time, I would stop up & go "holy sh!t, what is this place?"
Even when returning to previously visited areas, they still manage to look very personalized and unique. And even for how darn fabulous every mission looks, they are not distracting or confusing during combat. They're so fine-tuned to not strike out & visually overwhelm one as they're trying to rip & tear.

Also ID is working with magic by how smoothly and wonderfully the game runs & looks.
It's amazing by how well the performance this game is, I play on 'Nightmare' graphics-settings, the second highest one, with RTX on, and still manage to get around ~120FPS with my RTX 2060. Very cool!
The ID Tech 7 engine is one of the most performance & visually perfected engines ever -- straight-up!

Side-notes to the main-campaign

Everything were just fantastic, utterly stunning, and just borderline perfect.
Finding secrets were fun, going off the direct path to explore hidden secrets was fun.
And of course just massacring hordes of demons never got old. I just will never be able to express how much I enjoyed and will continue to enjoy the main-campaign, even hundreds of hours into the game and I'm still replaying it.

After beating the main-campaign you'll be eagerly wanting to replay it again, just for how great it is. However you also got the option to play through all these Master-Levels of specific levels within the game, which are basically harder versions of the normal levels, and many with a twist to the whole level's pacing.
But you also got 2 continuation DLCs, as sequels to the main-campaign, both which are absolute awesome. Both really really fantastic!.

Battlemode & Horde Mode

And then there is multiplayer AKA Battlemode...
Battlemode, the only multiplayer for this game; I don't think is bad. But it's not good either. It just feels "Meh." & forgettable.
I wish they stuck with that multiplayer arena shooter they had with DOOM 1, 2 & 4. That was great, and I enjoyed each of those a lot. Even with the fan-base outrage of DOOM 4's multiplayer I still loved it myself. Wish they had stuck with that throughout to DOOM Eternal as well. I wish there were a Slayers VS. Slayers game-mode, to take full advantage of the Slayer's movement abilities.
As the only occasion I ever play Battlemode is for the weekly challenges to the monthly events.
Battlemode basically consists of 1 Slayer VS. 2 Demons.
The first side to kill the entire opposite team will win, however there are multiple demons to choose from and the demons can respawn each other after some time if both are not dead.
You'll also get to choose some strategic & movement upgrades by each round, but that's really about it. It just feels mediocre. Which is sad, for I know the developers spent a ton of time on it. It all just feels like an aftermath, an afterthought. Even though I know it isn't.

I really adore Horde Mode though, such a fun & free expansion. I haven't been playing it as much as I would've wanted to, just because the immense time it takes to complete. However it's super freaking ballar-ass cool!
I love going through it every now & then.


DOOM Eternal not only ranks as my Game Of The Year 2020 choice, but even my lifetime favourite game ever!
It's just utter perfection oozing by every second. Utmost highly recommended to anyone seeking some game-play perfectionism! It'll spin your head around as if it was a twist-off.

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2021
