oooh, baby, ocarina of time but with weird fan theories! or, y'know, more of them. majora is just the most wonderful proof that ocarina wasn't a one-hit wonder, nor was zelda a series that was going to run out of ideas anytime soon. mix all the best parts of ocarina with the things that majora does right, like the almost disgustingly detailed NPC-schedule-time system, and the general theme of despair, and you get a masterpiece. more dungeons would have been wonderful, but this game was made in a year, i'm not about to go crazy on that. my favourite thing about majora is the NPCs, since they annoyed me so much in OoT: everyone felt very lifeless. but in majora, everyone's weird as fuck and has all kinds of shit going on, and everyone needs to go to therapy! i love this game and it's dark little heart. ty for being the counterargument to all the weirdos who were mad that twilight princess "made zelda edgy"

Reviewed on Oct 10, 2022
