bravery network online is one of the best games i've ever played. i loved every second i spent playing this game. its art is gorgeous, i could listen to its soundtrack all day, it has what is quite possibly my favorite setting i've ever seen in a game before.

thinking about this game fills me with melancholy because it is an online early access game that has not received a major update or any news for over a year as of six days ago. i've thought long and hard about what that means for how i feel about this game. i loved this game for what it is, but more than that i loved its potential. with the radio silence i didn't know what to expect. then i went back and replayed some of the story. the scene with odette specifically. very few games have pulled at me the way that scene does. it paints a vivid, scary, hopeful picture of this world and it inspires me. it makes me cry and smile and fills me with a need to create something. the best art in the world to me is anything that gives me that feeling.

i don't know if this game has a future. if it does i'll be thrilled. if not then i'm still so grateful for what this game already gave me.

Reviewed on Jul 21, 2022
