Ghost Trick interprets the Rube Goldberg machine as a metaphor for the interconnected fates of human (and non-human) lives. What does it take to influence our lives and those of others? What special powers would we require? Ghost Trick answers: not very much. Just a little push here, a few words of encouragement there, are enough for the butterfly effects to propagate.
A game that deftly weaves its gameplay and narrative together into a snappy, creative puzzle adventure. This is Shu Takumi at his peak. Every character is a lovable X, be it villain, dolt, father, daughter, whatever. Each of them is a little goofy and a little unhinged, but endearing above all else. There's a kinetic energy and humor embedded in everything from the dialogue and music to the character portraits and exaggerated 3D character animations.
This is the RE4 of adventure games. Just so incredibly well-paced. As a result, the puzzles never become too complex and the decision trees trimmed short, which feels perfectly reasonable in service of keeping things fresh and enjoyable for the entire runtime. I'm kicking myself for not playing this earlier.

Reviewed on Jul 04, 2023
