8 reviews liked by mrbonsadventures

A depressing reminder that Activision can't make games as good as this again.

the story is interesting and mind boggling but the gameplay is extremely outdated.

World class vibes and an interesting story undermined by utterly dreadful combat and mission design.

very bad game very very bad. spiderman bad not like batman. sony mid. forced in woke ruins this miserable experience. tried to wank to peter but symbiote cucked, could not recommend

The gameplay has been polished to perfection. The story, however, has never been more bland and less charismatic. Peter's confidence is completely deleted from the previous game. His relationship with MJ is extremely toxic too. Miles has absolutely nothing to do until the final 20% of the game, where he's suddenly shoved into the forefront with no rhyme or reason. The villains were both half-baked, taking up roughly the same amount of time in the story. With the leaks we now know half of the content was cut so they can repackage it for a 50$ stand-alone.
They introduce a 3rd spider-person in the epilogue. Which makes you wonder how bad the story in the final game could be, considering that they couldn't even balance 2 characters.

Gameplay has improved. Story, game quality and side content have not. This has the best web swinging of any spiderman game, yet misses the mark on the story and thematic weight of the symbiote arc. To be honest, the writing in this story feels very rushed and downright amateur at times when compared to the first game. That felt like it was made by fans, for fans. This game feels more like an mcu project in some ways, whereas 2018's entry had more of its own distinct flavor. Nevertheless, swinging around in the Raimi black suit makes me giddy, so I still rate it fairly highly.

look man, it's fun to swing around and beat up dudes.. but i don't know how much more of the constant chatter and quipping i can take

LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga was probably my favorite game in my younger years. I was so, so excited to see another LEGO game be announced and to get to cash in on the nostalgia.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga just fell so short of any expectation I had. It's not bad. It's just not good. It's filled to the brim with content, but I didn't find any of it to be engaging. The levels feel like abridged versions of their counterparts from both LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga and LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I also find the FoV to be small to the point of it hindering my ability to enjoy a lot of the gameplay. There's no character creator either, which I honestly find to be crushingly disappointing. I think if I ever get the itch to play another LEGO game, I'll just stick to the classics, if this is any indication of what's next.