Log Status






Time Played

1h 30m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 1, 2024

Platforms Played


Okay so why does this take place in Germany? Did I miss something? Why do you guys speak English?

Well anyway after the first half an hour I was not really enjoying my time as the writing is very heavy handed with subtlety of an brick to the face. It does eventually get enough momentum with its themes surrounding around suicide that I did get invested. Sadly the gameplay never clicked with me as I just found it to be lesser version of Shattered Memories. They really didn't nail the balance which makes these sections very trial and error which has the side-effect of making the monster feel annoying more than scary.

Easily the biggest strength is the music and sound design. I found myself on multiple occasions to be unsettled just because of the music while nothing else was happening.

Also the end credits song slaps.