A true oddity of a video game where you see characters from a nintendo game grapple with mortality, meaning, the fleeting nature of existence, and accepting the finality of life. Did I mention this is a nintendo game? Every aspect of this game emanates how does this game exist energy and I mean that in the best way possible. It's otherworldly bizarre tone, the 3 day time loop mechanic, and the sheer intimacy of the themes explored through its cast. There's an amazing dissonance between the levity of zelda's aesthetics and how existentially grim the subject matter can get. I love how this game works as a sequel to oot and how it asks the fascinating question of what now? Link has beat ganondorf and saved hyrule but what is he left with, and where does he go from here? What is his identity outside of being the savior of hyrule, and what can he offer to others outside of this role? Its this framework that serves as a perfect springboard for so many of the games best ideas, and it's this contemplative sense of personal introspection that pervades every fiber of this game's being. Why do we live? Why is it worth living despite the inevitable end? What makes life worth living? It's here where majora's mask strikes gold with how personal the subject matter gets for each of its characters. Their fears and desires are all brought to the forefront, but they mean nothing in the face of the ever impending apocalypse. Yet it's what the characters choose to do with that time that speaks louder than the ringing of clocktown's bells of disaster. It all combines to create one of the most cohesive tonal and thematic pieces with a beautifully horrifying sense of atmosphere and some of the most clever gameplay/story integration in the medium. Gameplay wise its arguably the best collection of dungeons and side quests in the series with a ton of quality poured into each of the activities. This games existence is such an anomaly to me we truly live in the one timeline where something this weird and passionate could exist.

Reviewed on Sep 26, 2023
