Some elements of this game are amazing. Some elements are meh. It averages out to being a good but not amazing experience

combat - 7.5/10 - action combat good later bosses can be really spongey though which is not fun. hacking fuck off

story - 6.5/10 - sometimes the story meanders about too much and pacing can overall feel weird. I like the concept of the story but the execution leaves a little to be desired. The different endings stuff is probably one of the biggest misses imo. And sometimes important stuff is glazed over; meanwhile really obvious stuff gets focused on a bit too much.

music - 9/10 - just great vibes all around, battle music is good, ambience is even better, and stuff like 'that' village theme is very unique - in a good way. Also making a whole new language just for song lyrics is tight

controls/camera - 2/10 - the fact that I had to install a 3rd party mod just for the game to be playable is bad. Once it was installed, it actually is good most of the time but there are sections where the controls just... are off? mostly in hacking sections - shots don't go where you are actually aiming, directional controls don't align with the camera, and stuff like that. Made some parts unnecesarily frustrating

overall vibes - 9/10 - It has good graphics. It has good character design, 2B is hot, good world/level design. Overall aesthetics are this games biggest strong suit.

other - (Minor spoilers) - I don't like being locked into doing certain side content at certain parts of the game. After I finish the main story I have no interest in going, essentially, back in time to do side content.

Replaying a whole section of the game for section B didn't feel great, and probably could have been handled a better way.

The different endings, in general, could have been streamlined a bit I think.

There is way too much hacking. It's cool at first, but gets old real fast. By the second half of the game I just wish I could stop playing as 9S altogether.

Oh and not being able to save at all in the intro is really cringe.

It's weird coming out of a good game and yet still feeling weirdly a little dissapointed? I think the main problem is it's basically S tier aesthetics/design/music/vibes being 'wasted' on what is otherwise a C/B tier game. Also ending E is very overhyped.

For sure worth on sale. Not too sure about full box price

one of the greatest games ever made. life changing.