The game is insanely polished. It's rare to get a full JRPG experience like this nowadays. Fairly unique as well. The is an ever increasing spectacle with great set pieces but avoiding to fall into the trap of making it not interactive or filling it with QTEs. Post game is a mix between PSO, Monster Hunter and a bit of Dragon's Crown with a similar look as the old original gacha game. Just more streamlined and 0 micro transactions.

My only issue with this is the roster choice again, forcing the entire fujo knight squad and randos like Ghanda instead of Ilsa, Bea, Aliza, Naoise or the infinite number of great characters they have, instead of Lance and Vane again.

Another small annoying thing is the utter pointless censorship. And with pointless I mean they cover like 1% more of someone's skin which you usually see in ports to china or SEA. New players that aren't familiar with the franchise might be a bit lost at the start because all the characters and such are already established and I doubt people will read journal lore to catch up.

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2024
