6 reviews liked by muro

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(Shelved until chapter 3 releases)

The writing is pretty good. I saw this get memed on r/196 and twitter and thought "it'd be fun if i played that game" so i did and now we're here

it's pretty funny when it wants to be, and though the game design can be confusing (if you accidentally click during dialogue and skip something important, you'll probably have to run around the map spamming spacebar until you find the right tile and direction you're supposed to interact with, assuming there aren't other context clues), overall I think it's pretty good.

It's self-aware. It's trying to be edgy and it knows it, at least it seems like that to me. As much as people will talk about it being the "incest game", and there certainly are many moments that put the siblings way too close together, I think that dissolving their relationship to just being "incest" is taking the plot too lightly.

Here's where the spoilers come in: Ashley is definitely one of Andrew's alternate personalities, right? The compartmentalization fits and stuff. Regardless, I don't think their relationship is "just" incest.

Plus obviously there are more fucked-up things in this game like, oh I don't know, actual cannibalism? Matricide and patricide? This game isn't glorifying an unethical, unhealthy relationship. A lot of people seem to think that, just because the main characters are presented in a certain way, that that piece of media is promoting that idea. Often not the case.

Anyway, tl;dr: It doesn't suck. Worth a play, it's not very long.

beyond rejecting the idea a game can't cover taboo topics (if you think a game can't discuss cannibalism or incest but can depict gory murder without issue - you need to reanalyze your axioms), this game also is just fantastically written, with strong dialogue, a cohesive and beautiful art style and very good music to back it up. an objectively good game being weighed down by outrage.

So the child murder, regular murder, cannibalism, satanic rituals were all fine but no it's the incest between two adults. That's what we should kill the creator for

Seriously going by the official summary alone. What kinda game did you people think this was going to be? I swear this site must be full of twitter users looking for reasons to be offended if the rest of these reviews are anything to go by

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Interesting how this game combines fantasy stuff like demons/rituals/clairvoyance and grounded problems like cover-up/evidence/body disposal/laying low from cops.

Similarly combining polar opposite moods for events when you kill people, finish off parents and stuff that suddenly turns into a fight between the duo in some lighthearted tone.

You can even consider the contrast between the clean character design and their horrible personalities. Not to mention the contrast between siblings themselves.

i need her soooooooooo fucking bad

A good game, repetitive music but nothing else to complain.
Also the game is not finished, currently at the time of this review there are only 2 chapters.
The game gets a lot of hate for portraying incest as normal, when the fact that the characters portray it as normal tells you how fucked in the head they are before they start all their madness.