A very interesting roguelike. Simple, complicated and challenging at the same time, the gameplay feels great and beautifully connected to the story premise, where the "hero" must "loop" around and rebuild a destroyed to nothingness world via his memories, which are the cards you place at the road. Managing the different cards and enemies, when it's not obvious what helps you and what doesn't constitutes a fresh challenge and makes the idle-battler part of the game strangely enthralling. Different classes that are actually very unsimilar and build variety are also well done (even though there's a class that's most obviously broken) and the tile interaction is, honestly, pretty genius. Making different landmarks and fulfilling the different enemy spawn conditions is interesting and makes sense with the compelling worldbuilding. Also there's a great pokedex-type book ingame where you can read all about the world and I love it.

Artistically, the soundtrack is VERY good, the artstyle is 10/10 for me with very pretty spritework and fascinating enemy designs. (and every single one has mugshots!) It's clear as day the amount of passion that went into it.

It's definitely a challenging game, although googling can help you if you're in a bind (I didn't personally do it and don't really recommend it, but I see how missing some stuff can destroy you). Also, it's a roguelike, but there's an end to it, and I personally don't see a motive to replay it like you would Slay the Spire for example.

Why the -0.5★ then? Well, sometimes it was stressing in a way that I do not enjoy, has some farming (even though it's temporary and still engaging) and it kinda has some hiccups at the ending. But, as a package? An absolute little bundle of passion, it makes me joyous that it exists. Let's go indie gamers (from Russia this time!) If you can see yourself having fun with the gameplay, absolutely give it a shot.

Reviewed on Dec 19, 2021
