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1 day

Last played

October 23, 2021

Platforms Played


Weak story when compared to the other games in the series, I couldn't get attached to any of the characters but for Mihaly (Mr. X) which might be the runner-up for best antagonist in the series.

This game shines in the presentation department, the graphics are beautiful and breathtaking along the set pieces and the soundtrack is easily one of the best in the series as well.

The mechanics and controls are up there with those of Ace Combat 6, I didn't find them to be a major improvement but one thing I noticed and really hated is that all enemy aircraft seem to be very aggressive and only focuses on you, I have played all the previous mainline entries and this was the only one where I couldn't really listen/read the radio dialogue most of the time because all I could hear was MISSILE MISSILE.

The last missions were amazing but before that there were a lot of missions/locations from Ace Combat 4 and I think they overdid it with the nostalgia a little bit.

All in all, I thought the game was great but not as good as previous entries.