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Time Played

16h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 4, 2024

First played

April 26, 2024

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Arkham Knight is a tricky one, personally not the best in the series and it might never be, this game brings a lot of unique story dlcs and customization as well but it comes with A LOT of downsides.

The only melee boss that I can remember after finishing the game is Albert King, that's it really because the rest of the gameplay is with the batmobile and it gets repetitive fairly fast,it really feels like world of tanks and rocksteady had a collaboration. More than half of the bosses are being driven with the batmobile, atleast they added some stealth with the cobra tanks.
The second problem with the gameplay is the port himself, how can you mess this bad a freaking UE3 game running on a modern computer? like really yikes, it ran fairly good at 1080p high settings but the frame drops was felt, but other than that it ran more than 60 most of the times but the game lag the fuck out in batmobile chases for a reason.
Alright one good thing about this game is the graphics that saves a bit, it looks more spectacular than gotham knights and the latest release of suicide squad, they nailed the graphics too good for 2015 and it can't be beaten even by newer games.
There's a lot of side quests that includes DLCs with more characters because in the main story you will not frequently hear about two face or croc for example and to be honest the atmoshpere is great, the combat with the brutes or thugs is the same as asylum and city but it's even better if you do a double attack with robin, that feature rocks.

After the death of joker and his burning body gotham is warned by scarecrow with his new toxin, moments after almost everyone evacuated the city and crane's militia surrounded the whole city.
Batman comes back and ready to stop him, with the help of oracle in the clocktower and jim at the GCPD he's well equipped with his new batmobile to take on the fight, but he stumbles upon poison ivy where she was at a meeting with scarecrow and batman takes her at the GCPD, while there he is being informed that he can track the toxin at the ace chemicals where he meets up with a new antagonist, the second one being the arkham knight, an anonymous masked villain well trained surprises batman but he escapes with his help of the batmobile and avoiding knight's helicopter. Later on chasing scarecrow he discovers that there's some of jokers blood into his system, so that combined the fear gas and make him see him through the whole story.
Later on oracle was kidnapped by crane and batman had to find her, after sometime he found her but it was too late, she shot herself behind the glass, this is where the story really gets interesting because batman could not forgive himself because gordon went hiding after he found out that his daughter was captured, batman could not tell him the truth because it was too painful, later on alfred informs batman about some kind of scientist that works with scarecrow and he gets into his blimp where scarecrow is located as well, the scientist ran away from batman and after that he found scarecrow but it was only a hallucination of him, batman was also helped by nightwing but he hold him to stay in bludhaven.
Batman found out that joker's virus infected more people, but only one was immune to it and that was henry adams, he discovered that with the help of poison ivy he can hold the toxin while her plants secure the zone.
Batman is being interrupted by harley quinn, she wants to avenge joker's death and she released the infected ones in the panessa movie studio, with the help of robin he needs to rescue them but they act back with violence, after taking care of chrstina bell,albert king and johnny charisma robin secures the bag and gets out.
But batman is hallucinating, he sees his former apprentice, jason todd. He sees himself tortured by joker and being asked about bats real identity, after that he comes back to life he takes harley with robin and puts her in a jail, robin finds out that batman isn't okay and he might be exposed to crane's gas and tries to lock him up but he failed and batman instead put him in jail.
After that he goes back outside but crane's cloudburst that spreads diseases was deployed, batman had to talk with ivy quickly to prevent this but alfred informs him about the scientist and he goes back into the blimp to simion stagg but he was exposed to crane's toxin and told batman that he can take some kind of cure that protects his car in the cloudburst, and so he took it and installed it into the car.
Time to protect ivy's plant, but in the other land is the arkham knight, with his new tank surrounded by cobra tanks, batman chases him and destroys his tank side by side but he gets hallucinated again and after he took the knight in his hands he got out.
Batman had to go underground to find another root to a plant to help ivy and so he did it but after he came back to her she died because she used all of her power to destory the cloudburst.
After that batman was informed that jim was taken, he head back to GCPD and got his location, after arriving he had to work with a ventilation shaft that was broken to reach jim gordon, but instead he found arkham knight while he chased batman underground.
Batman was surrounded by him and he had to sacrifice his car to get out, after reaching to jim the knight made another encounter but he revealed himself to be jason, furious of batman and dedicated to kill him he fights him and batman wins the duel and rescues gordon.
Gordon know that scarecrow is in the top of the building so he comes with batman to stop him but right after they reached the last floor they see oracle alive and jim betrayed batman to save his daughter, he had to make one choice but after he shot batman oracle was dropped off the building and batman saved her but gordon was taken as a hostage again.
Oracle and batman are now safely in the GCPD but the militia assaulted the station, after oracle helped batman taking care of the tanks and finding a new energy generator batman leaves to check on the movie studios where he finds out that robin was taken by crane as a hostage and had to make a quick choice to sell his sould to scarecrow.
Batman leaves and goes to crane's location and puts his equipment down and enters his van where he was taken to crane's place, while there he gets PTSD from the asylum with joker but once he arrives crane shows gordon and robin but he exposes batman's true idenity live, batman had to resist his toxin and he entered into some dreams with joker killing cobblepot, two face and destroying soldiers and right after that he gets outside where gotham is in flames.
Then his vision goes into a horror first person perspective where joker sees harley crying but right after he starts to shoot at stone building of batman and gets out but batman comes in and puts joker in jail.
Batman was immune, he defeated joker's remaining gas and he woke up where scarecrow was very surprised and right after he took a gun at batman's face jason helps batman get out and takes crane to the jail where the game ends, and now that everyone knows his true idenity he has to activate the protocol knightfall.