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March 7, 2024

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[Free weekend review]
MK1 the reboot seems very familiar with MK11, graphically speaking it's very comparable to MK11 but it runs worse and MK11 ran at high/ultra but anyways downloading a 124 gig game only for 2 chapters it ain't worth the time, a very short demo of what the game is at the beginning. The story goes after the events of Kronika, and Liu Kang uses the the hourglass to recreate the universe. The first chapter you play as Kung Lao and you are being tested by smoke,sub-zero,scorpion for the championship so you can join Liu Kang. In the second one you play as indiana jones johnny cage, fighting in a jungle temple but it was only a cinematic recorded video, later on you are being tested by sub-zero and scorpion in cage's house.

It's not worth it, heard some people say shit about the premium feature being pay2win and for 124 gigs only for some gamemodes its not worth the wait only to play with some friends and that's all.