This was another game I decided to revisit due to not having played it in so long while also being in a very Metroid mood lately. Having gone through the NES version recently, I can see where some of the old criticism comes from in regard to losing the atmosphere and exploration of the original game as you're often simply told where to go. The very existence of the map undermines the original's labyrinthine feel but I'm not so sure it's a net negative as it effectively futureproofed itself. It's a testament to Super Metroid's formula that so many games after still adhere to that sort of structure but with their own flavor. Zero Mission is no exception and feels quite modern all told. The additional cutscenes and story elements serve this as well. I think it might lean just a bit too hard into that stuff (and to be honest there's not much there really) but there's some satisfactory payoff to it all and leaves the game much closer to what Metroid has ultimately become versus what it once was.

Reviewed on Sep 10, 2023
