9 reviews liked by neb14

Lego Island is the closest I have ever come to authentically experiencing God.

I miss when Lego games were uncanny and vaguely foreboding simulacra of everyday life instead of the contemporary format of "uber successful fiction franchise, but with minifigs!"

mama papa brickolini forever

these orcs man. theyre family.

Nemesis system is cool but other wise the game is nothing special. Still alright though.

The nemesis system is revolutionary. Honestly surprised i havent seen more games use it since

The way that the orc enemies in this game remember you, quarral with each other, fight with you, betray you, interact with the world, makes this such a unique game, despite its third person stealth based open world appearance

Fun combat, exciting world, great experience

Plot is ok. Gameplay is solid though, with great RPG elements and Arkham-style combat. The Nemesis system is one of the best things ever put in a video game. Recommended if you like the Arkham games or Assassin's Creed.

fun podcast game which mixes elements of the arkham games with assassin's creed. completely fine. have zero recollection of what the story was about.

The nemesis stuff is the only thing that elevates this above a bog standard Assassin's Creed.

A fun diversion, but not up to the level of Championship Edition DX. Maybe next time, guys.