This game is good not because of difficulty but of insanity.

Even on normal difficulty, There are almost 7-8 or more enemies at once in this game. But unlike the dynasty warriors games, they will attack very aggressively. On top of that, they don't forget to provide supports from a distance.

However, the main character Ryu Hayabusa can use a variety of weapons and so be capable of fighting against enemies. He can attack in a wide area with UT, a strong-attack-hold invincible technique that has been available since the first game. Moreover, in Ninja Gaiden 2, the number of weapons has increased, and the concept of the delimbing mechanism has been introduced, making the flavor of Ninja Gaiden 2 different from the first one.

As I said, the most noticeable new feature of Ninja Gaiden 2 is the body delimbing. Enemies whose bodies have been partially severed are slowed down and killed by a single strong-attack, Which is called OT. Moreover, Ryu is invincible during while he executes OT! But beware, a severed enemy will "self-destruct" during a grab, inflicting significant damage that cannot be guarded against.

You have to consider what type of weapon has the best range and what type of enemy (human, demon, machine, etc.) has the highest rate of delimbing, and depending on the situation and enemy combination. If the situation is not good enough to attack enemies, You have to think about which would be the most efficient for defense -- guard, counter, or dash away. And sometimes you have to adjust the enemy pressures by leaving the delimbed enemy alone even you know the risk that they can do eventual self-destruction. These executions are done with split-second judgment. The enemy is killed. Numerous enemies come out again. And you make another decisions and kill them. Repeat. This is the basic flow of Ninja Gaiden 2.

After the hectic fights, Walls and floors are painted with vivid red blood and the dead bodies and their parts are all over around Ryu. Then, You will remind my words. This game is good not because of difficulty but of insanity.

Reviewed on Apr 12, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

great review; "However, the main character Ryu Hayabusa can use a variety of weapons and so be capable" defines a good portion of my praise for this game. It isn't perfect, but everytime a problem appears, Ryu can DELIMB it because of how fucking good is the combat.