This is the best rpg of all time. Your actions actually have consequences for the Mojave Wasteland, and I feel it is the only game where you can actually roleplay however you please. Warlord? Check, you can play as that. Vigilante Badass Action Hero? Check, you can be that. Mob Boss? Guess what FONV lets you be. This game is amazing because of it's story and overall writing, and is held back by being a glitchy and buggy mess of a game. The writing however is so good, it allows me to look past the very blatant flaws in the game engine this runs in. A modern remake of this game in the skyrim/starfield engine however, i feel, could become the greatest game of all time, assuming no content was added/removed/altered. You need to play Fallout: New Vegas for yourself, this is one of my favorite games ever, Veronica and Boone are two of the best written characters in all of fiction, and this is just overall iconic and amazing culture, and proof of video games as an artform, i cannot truly overstate just how awesome fallout new vegas is.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
