This year, I played Abyss, and it immediately claimed the spot of my favorite Tales Of title. It's a fortunate coincidence that the next Tales Of game I played is likely just as good, if not better. I adored Arise – it's an absolutely stunning, enjoyable, and charming game.

It takes a weighty theme like slavery and, in my opinion, handles it rather effectively, even though it eventually delves into high-fantasy territory – a trademark of the Tales Of series. The game manages to maintain a grounded experience at various points, boasting excellent character development and visuals (some of my favorite party character designs ever, without a doubt).

I can empathize with long-time Tales Of fans who might have felt a sense of betrayal with this game, though I don't believe Arise veered as far from the series' essence as other franchises like Final Fantasy have at times. The boss fights provide an exhilarating thrill, and although I mainly played as Alphen, the other characters were intriguing to play as during the limited time I spent with them (particularly in the coliseum).

Towards the end, the game does drag a bit. I believe the story elements could have been more evenly distributed throughout the campaign instead of being heavily concentrated towards the conclusion. Nevertheless, this didn't diminish my fondness for the game in the least.

Reviewed on Aug 19, 2023
