It’s ok for what it is. I was a massive fan of the first game, it was a huge surprise for me. This.. falls short of that. Featuring 2 completely different protagonists, who I find to be likeable enough. I find that the dialogue options you choose for Riley shape her into either being really annoying or really likeable, luckily I think I got the likeable side of Riley.

But this game is mostly walking and talking, and while the conversations can be interesting at times, I never felt the surrounding threat that much, especially compared to the first game where I was on the edge of my seat the majority of the time.

Things didn’t really start getting interesting till the end, and even then it felt it dragged on a little. I did like the connections to the first game tho, I just wish I could’ve remembered the story of the first game, as it’s been a few years. Also, the games “big decision” ended up being the easiest decision I think I’ve made in one of these games, the setup to that wasnt great.

It’s still a solid game, and an interesting few hours you can put into it, but it’s nothing revolutionary and I can’t imagine it being very memorable in years to come.

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2023
