unfinished due to no longer having access to the game currently, will get back to it at Christmas hopefully

I was excited for Starfield, the showcase at gamescom was great and I was ready to jump into this expanding world. What looked to be Bethesdas most ambitious game yet.. and I’m not really feeling that so far, the selling point of thousands of planets to explore isn’t utilised properly, there’s no need for that huge scale, and you have to keep fast travelling to areas on the planets anyway to get around. It does just feel like an upgraded Skyrim or Fallout, but it’s in no way anything like they were making it out to be.

Something that’s both a positive and a negative about this game would be the amount of missions and activities to actually do. This game will throw 5 different missions at you at once for stepping foot onto a planet, then another 5 as you are walking through the planet, there seems to never be a moment where you aren’t doing something. Which is great, as it means you can just play and play, but it’s also a negative for me, as someone that likes to complete side missions before jumping into the main story, I feel like I haven’t cracked a single surface of the main story yet, I’ve been too busy doing 3 different things for people, including being a spy, disrupting conference meetings and defusing hostage situations, all the missions start to bleed into each other; and I completely forget where I am.

Combat is fun but if you aren’t prepared it can be challenging, I do hate how it doesn’t specify what level you should be to go forward, I did a mission that had me fighting level 5 creatures at level 12, but then throwing a final boss that is level 19 at me, the game can feel unbalanced sometimes.

I’m not gonna miss the time I’m spending away from this game, I was never really hooked into it anyway, it’s more a game to jump into to pass the time and do a few missions. Maybe my opinion changes when I pick it back up again, depending on what other adventure I stumble upon

Reviewed on Sep 22, 2023
