Better than the main game, this is what the whole game should’ve been (except add some depth and stretch the story out)

The reason why I think this should’ve been the 3rd game is coz it links the first 2 together, it could’ve been a huge climactic moment for the series but Ubisoft was so busy with its “look at this amazing game where you can play as anyone in the world” that they just forgot about what works about watch dogs

This was really fun, just too short, I enjoyed the dynamic between Wrench and Aidan, and I love Wrench as a character so I was just glad to see him back. Gameplay wise it’s not much, it’s basically the same as it always is, less hacking tho which is strange. But both characters are fun to play as, and while the story is short I did enjoy my time with it

Reviewed on Dec 22, 2023
