THIS IS A REVIEW OF THE COLLECTION, NOT OF THE INDIVIDUAL GAMES. If you want a review of the games in this collection, please read my reviews of the individual games, which you can fine on my profile

This is a solid collection of these games that maintains the original pixel art style while looking sharper and cleaner than the original DS and GBA counterparts. The sound effects are cleaner and the music is higher quality as well. Because it is on 3DS, it still is able to use the dual screen configuration that we saw from the DS version of these games which is nice touch compared to the Trilogy on newer consoles.

I don't have many complaints other than to say that some animations are missing some frames, making to look a little choppy. It doesn't ruin the experience, but it looks off sometimes if you're familiar with the original games. I also do wish there was better quality of life features found in the newer collection of these games, such as multiple save files for a single game.

This was the first way I ever experienced this trilogy and aside from a couple minor quibbles here and there, I still think its a solid way to experience these games, with all it's crazy cases and zany characters. There might be more convenient options compared to this collection, but its still a great option nonetheless.

Reviewed on Oct 07, 2023
