1 review liked by nilssjoberg

MASTERPIECE! From start to finish.

The beginning already gets you hooked and it barely even slows down except in maybe two chapters.

This game is quite an improvement from Yakuza LAD in almost every way. For sure, everything I had an ick with in Y7 was changed and I'm so glad of this.

At first I was kinda bummed on the circle and moving but then I realize that the more you level up, the bigger it becomes and I was happy not to be let down! Honestly the most fun turn-based conbat gameplay I have ever played! I was also soo so happy when they brought back fight cutscenes qtes!!!

Also the grinding is so much better than in LAD for both exp AND money. LAD's business management was so boring and repetitive to me but now you can get money so easily and in so many different ways too it was such a big improvement to me. I could talk about so many other improvements that changed everything to me but it could go on forever.

God this game was so much fun and I can't wait to continue playing because there is still SOOOO much I have left to do it's almost overwhelming but in such a good way!

I'm gonna be honest, I prefered Yakuza LAD's story and characters in general but obviously this isn't me saying Infinite Wealth's story was bad! It was not, it was incredible and it actually made me cry so often and at the end credits I literally cried like a baby I wasn't even sure why myself but god did I feel so many emotions.

Only kind of letdown was how much Joongi was put aside cause he joins your party so late!!! but I forgive it because they actually make him canonically aknowledge how he was left aside and how he was bored and he was angry about it so he just decided to participate without asking for Seonhee's permission and I think that's kinda awesome LOL

The music!!!! Oh my god. I have so many tracks I would love to mention. First that caught my attention was Perfect Encirclement. Then Defiant Charm, with the woman vocals, I was literally stunned! the Barracuda fighting music, Dwight's fighting music, the tracks Receive and Believe You, Impersonation, Giftiger Füllhalter (one of my faves)... I was so blown away. I absolutely loved Y7's soundtrack so the fact that Infinite Wealth's was as awesome made me soo so happy. Also let's not forget to mention the karaoke! My favourite is probably Suki ni nareru hito wo suki ni nareta naraba sang by Joongi (although Zhao's version is really good too) Both the eng and jp versions are just so good and Joongi sounds like an angel. Awake is also soo good and I was so glad to see Like a Butterfly back.

I could go on and on and on about this game and I will probably be back when I've completed more side stuff but what I've seen so far has been so awesome. Genuinely easily became one of my favourite games.

I almost forgot to talk about Dondoko Island but it is crazy to me how that is just a minigame... I would play that as a standalone. I am obsessed with it. I've already spend probably 10 hours on it.

Edit : Just got platinum and this game is so damn fun. genuinely. I don't think I've ever had so much fun and ever laughed so much playing a game

ps: joongi and zhao are still so so so hot and i need them so bad.