Capcom are fucking idiots sometimes. They make DmC: Devil May Cry (not saying I don't love that game) because they want to switch things up and not make the same game again. But then they come in with Devil May Cry 5, and it's perfect. It's not the same thing again—they're switching it up—but they're still keeping it Devil May Cry. It feels different, but not in a bad way. In a different way.

Look at my boy. Look how he's grown. I swear, people were so furious when Nero was the protagonist of DMC4, but if DMC6 was announced tomorrow and Nero wasn't in it, they'd be pissed as fuck.

Story wise—at least for the first half—it's basically on par with the first game (that's a downgrade). It never really feels like you have a purpose, much more than the obvious world threat. The third one had Vergil and then Lady's dad, and the fourth one had Kyrie and then Nero, but this one doesn't really have that—or doesn't reveal to have that—until later in the game, so it kind of just feels like you're playing through the stages, aimlessly, for no reason. But you barely even notice because you're playing Devil May Cry 5 and so many other aspects of the game are running on seemingly infinite fumes, pummeling you with grade-A shit. The only real reason they give is that Nero is pissed at Dante for calling him "dead weight," so he has to prove him wrong, which is genius.

The art direction is a bit more chaotic, however, and I feel like things are a bit harder to see. It's like they went more Resident Evil 2 than they should have. This game just feels less real. Mostly because the terrain just isn't very inviting. Not as much as the other games, at least. It's just not interesting to look at. Especially inside the tree; everything looks the same, and it's not a good same, it's a bad same. It's an okay same. It's fine. But it's like if half of Devil May Cry 3 took place inside Leviathan.

And I don't like how Ebony and Ivory feel in this game.

Also, I despise Trish's hair. And I just don't love her character model.

V is absolutely awesome, but it was a masterpiece decision to allow us to play as him for the absolute least amount of time. He's a fantastic breather from the Nero/Dante action, but playing him for too long would get a bit tedious.

To me, this has the same glaring problem as DMC4. When you switch to Dante for the first time, the game becomes instantly less fun. As opposed to 4, however, once you get a bit into Dante's missions—and especially after you get Cavaliere—it becomes a blast again. Nero is still better, though.

But if I don't compare this to the other DMC games, this is the most insane and insanely cool video game.

This game is like, you know when you're playing Devil May Cry 3 or 4 and Dante or Nero does something really cool in a cutscene, but you can't actually do that in the game because, what, are you crazy? Well, here, you can just do that in the game.

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2024

1 Comment

2 months ago

That last point is something not a lot of people talk about. You can literally do all the badass stuff from the cutscenes in previous games, in the actual game, like riding of missile or killing demons with a motorcycle.