"'Let's rock, baby!' (Dante, Devil May Cry, 2001)" – Bayonetta (Bayonetta, 2009).

All of these people deserve every award.

A testament to how truly fantastic this game is, is that I'm playing it on the fucked up PS3 version, and it's still a god damn masterpiece.

When I first played this game when I was, like, ten, I wasn't really accustomed to hack-and-slash titles (the only one I'd ever really played was Dante's Inferno, and that game is cake), and the combat's advanced skin kind of put me off, but now I realize that it is so easy to pick up. It is genuinely terrifically made. The moves list can look scary at first glance, but once you've played for an hour or two, that thing is your dance partner and you're tearing up the floor.

The way Bayonetta moves during combat is absolutely flawlessly cool and smooth. Locking together a five-hit combo on a fool, without getting hit by some other enemy, and ending with a Wicked Weave that drains the final bit of their health as they dissolve will never not be satisfying.

The story is delightfully rich and engaging, and actually has twists and moments where I legitimately gasped, either in shock or pure awe of the insane direction behind this game. And beyond these cutscenes being some of my favorite cutscenes in a video game, all of the dialogue in this game is fantastic, and has such a tight, but rich, cast of characters speaking it. All of these characters leave an impression on you. Kind of like how I'd like to leave an impression in

I was unsure if I felt okay with maybe liking this a single bit more than Devil May Cry 3, and then they hit me with a 3-minute dance sequence, and yep.

In other words, Bayonetta (2009), I love you.

Tell me another game that rolls credits over the protagonist pole dancing. Exactly. Masterpiece.

Fuck you, Nintendo.

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2024
