"A Sort of Homecoming."

If it wasn't clear from the previous games, Ezio is the biggest Altaïr fanboy.

Replaying the first game was definitely worth it. Just from the reaction I get when Ezio says "Acre" in the intro.

You thought Ezio was a bad-ass in his 20s? You thought he was a bad-ass in his 40s? You ain't seen shit.

Finally. Hook blade.


Best game.

There's even a part where you get to beat up Italian minstrels. "I am going to enjoy this."

They literally call the first Assassin's Creed game "frankly primitive."

And then you start Desmond's Journey, and it turns into one of those really cool simplistic Steam indie games that actually hold really deep and meaningful stories and go viral every few years. Except this isn't as good as that, but it's still pretty cool.

But your notorious level goes up WAY too easy in this game.

Fixed camera angles can look really nice in big spaces. And they do. But can you please stop it when I'm supposed to make precise jumps? I cannot see where the fuck I'm supposed to aim.

And I honestly sort of wish they would have kept Altaïr's monotone American voice. It was kind of iconic. But you get used to the new one, and those Altaïr sections are the dog's bollocks.

In 2 and Brotherhood, the secret locations were cool. But here, they're some of the coolest parts of the series.

And, listen, 2's characterizations are great, near perfect, but this is THE masterpiece.

And it definitely has the worst Desmond side of the story (because it's barely existent), but that just doesn't change THE masterpiece.

This game packs an emotional punch like no other Assassin's Creed.

Not only the perfect end for Ezio, but also for Altaïr.

Truly the end of an era.

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2024
