100% completion

Paradise Killer is part visual novel murder mystery, part first person platformer, and part collectathon. The vaporwave aesthetic is well-earned by the game's critical tension with the titular paradise. That tension permeates the entire narrative, as characters both luxuriate and suffer in their self-imposed immortality.

The mystery is enjoyable to uncover, with lots of dramatic moments if the player chooses to chase down every line of inquiry. The characters are memorable and nuanced, with complicated overlapping motives and skillsets. Unlike similar titles, there isn't a specific hard truth to uncover; rather, the player can present evidence that they feel is more incriminating in order to weave a compelling narrative of the crimes. This did make the ending slightly unsatisfying, as all the crimes have multiple plausible culprits.

I also found island navigation to be a bit irritating at times. The map is useless, and the overall design is a bit mazelike. That said, it is a small enough space that this issue fades into the background as you progress. First person platforming certainly adds a retro vibe, but this implementation is not a significant improvement over its very dated predecessors. With all the upgrades unlocked I did end up enjoying jumping around the island, but there were quite a few moments of frustration mixed in there as well.

Overall the imaginative world, consistent vibe, and exemplary writing made this a unique and compelling experience. I can forgive a few shortcomings when they come from a place of artistic experimentation, and the result is a game with a tremendous amount of heart and personality.

Reviewed on Oct 21, 2023
