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tldr: critical mode saves this, and being waay too combat focused hurts it in many ways and makes it kind of monotonous

critcal mode is amazing, and it like the best way to play this. like ignore every other game mode and just go critical. it doesnt even make the harder bosses that bad. it just makes the lamer parts of the game more engaging by making you use everything the combat systems gives you. and the combat is amazing, with drives, summons, spells and different keyblades and abilities its probably the best combat ive ever played
but like
nearly everything else (EXCEPT THE MUSIC go listen to the other promise NOW) in the game isnt as good, ESPECIALLY level design
they werent kidding about the disney painted hallways you guys
sooo many worlds are flat and basic and the only one i can kind of excuse is halloween town and maybe the pride lands but even then they had soo much potential
you fully upgraded moveset is soo good but the process of grinding is TERRIBLE and the fact that no levels are designed around makes them damn near useless outside of combat
plus the story this time around isnt as charming as kh1's, with roxas' story and some climactic moments being the only good parts for me. it feels like everything in this story is just an excuse to have these big cinematic moments and disney deaths and mickey mouse coat throwing and while thats fine sora is a really good character and i really wish he was more well written outside of dramatic parts.
but like uhhh believe me i like this game uhhh THE COMBATS REALLY GOOD OKAY

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2023
