Scramble is Konami's earliest horizontal shooting game. It's pretty rudimentary. You fire forward and also drop bombs on enemies on the ground. You also have a fuel gauge that slowly ticks down, and you'll need to refuel by attacking fuel depots.

It's pretty easy going until you get to the final zone, which requires you to fly through tunnels. For the first time in the game, this section also requires accelerating forward. You move forward at a constant pace, but can fly till about halfway horizontally into the screen. You have to do this during certain sections in the final level as you exit a tunnel from a higher part of the level, then have to fly to the opposite corner. You don't have enough time coming out of the tunnel to lower your ship enough, so you have to fly forward out of the tunnel before the screen scrolls over there, then drop back and down at the same time. It's really unintuitive and feels pretty weird. After you get through the series of tunnels, you have a final bomb target to hit to win the game. This is also really difficult to nail, because you have to do a similar maneuver as above to get into the right position. It's kind of confounding and I don't think I would have figured out how to beat the game without watching examples on YouTube. Not nearly as fun as Xevious.

Reviewed on Feb 20, 2023
