After playing Zelda II, I decided to finally get around to the weird sequel in the franchise I have lot more love for. I had been put off by the promise of backtracking and exploration—so I used a guide. Just like the early Zelda games, I'm glad I did, because it can be really obtuse.

And I did have a better time with this than I feared. The moment to moment action is mostly pretty good, but it can be limited. It never gets too difficult, and it can end up feeling samey due to the lack of enemy variety for most of the game, but controlling Simon still feels really good. There are only three bosses, too, which is disappointing, and while they're somewhat easy they're not annoying fights.

What sets this game apart from the others is its weird fantasy horror atmosphere, which is downright subdued compared to the cartoon tone of the other games. It ends up being a fun tone to play in—almost somber. The text in the game often doesn't make any sense, but it's fun to read. I can see why the people who love this game love this game, but I definitely prefer the action-oriented, level based games.

Reviewed on Mar 10, 2023
