Jedi Survivor is a great upgrade to Fallen Order. Not only it's much bigger, the characters and the story are much more compelling. In the first game it was hard for me to remember any names besides Cal Kestis and BD-1. Now Greez, Merrin, Cere or even the new characters like Bode all leave a lasting impression.

The exploration is also a huge upgrade. Planets and the different levels are much larger and have some surprises to offer. Although I wished there were more planets of the size of Koboh. But the game is huge anyhow, so I'm totally fine with that.

The side missions and extra stuff are great. You get to hunt Bounty Hunters, or do some research for NPC and much more. Of course there are the many customization options for Cal too. Not just the lightsabre. I love the haircuts and outfits you can choose for him.

Also gameplay wise Jedi Survivor is a nice improvement. Fighting is fun and can be really challenging depending on the difficulty. But some enemies have strange hitboxes (looking at you, Oggdo), which make those fights seem unfair. That's why I wouldn't recommend playing Jedi Survivor on the hardest difficulty, because it just gets frustrating.

What bothered me most, is that the game pretty heavy performance issues on my ps5 – especially on Koboh.I activated the performance mode, which should run with 60 FPS, but I frequently had frame drops. I really was hoping, that Jedi Survivor would be polished enough, because Fallen Order also felt kind of "mushy". Sadly the Successor inherited these problems, but luckily it is not that big of a deal.

All in all, I love this franchise. In my eyes it's a great follow-up to the old Jedi Knight games, which I loved back in the day.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention the cantina in Koboh! It's so awesome to have this in the game. The atmosphere is just delivering so much Star Wars feeling. And I also love the holo tactics mini game – they should have done more with that!

What I would like to see in a 3rd game:
- more planets with towns, where Cal can buy stuff and hang out. More Cantinas!
- how about some pilot missions? My dream would be missions like in Rogue Squadron, where you have to complete certain objectives and not just shoot x amount of TIE-Fighters down.
- While I'm at the topic of "dream Star Wars game": Combine Jedi Survivor with Rogue Squadron and Knights of the Old Republic – and maybe throw some Shadows of the Empire in. There you have it.

Reviewed on May 24, 2023
