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Being my first Super Robot Wars game and first OG game, it was a lot of fun.

The biggest problem with the game is the garbage translation. The Original Generation series is pretty heavy with lore and references to previous games, and there's a keyword system that provides summaries and definitions for these terms when they come up. As this was marketed as an entry point to newcomers AND was the first OG game to be officially translated in English in years, this keyword system is undoubtedly a very important thing to have, but the translation sucks. Literal translations of weapon names and most lines not having ending periods at all make the story hard to follow.

Gameplay was fine. Animations are beautiful but SR points can be annoying and are dependent on RNG at times. Custom upgrade bonuses for units also being unlocked when maxing out their stats feel unfair to me, as upgrade costs get expensive the higher you go, and in the early-game this is especially troublesome when many upgrade bonuses are simple QOL changes that make some units much better to use.